Client Focus Areas


Do you find yourself sitting at your job wondering, “is this it for the rest of my life?” More and more educated professionals are realizing that they simply are not fulfilled in their current roles. If this is you let’s work together to help you determine what a fulfilled life looks like to you and what you can do now to achieve it!


Personal growth should be just that: personal. “One size fits all” growth programs often fall short simply because they don’t meet the learner where they are at. If you are looking to define and execute a personal growth path, let’s talk and develop something that works for you where you are today and build a mindset for where you’ll be tomorrow.


Utilizing established programs by John Maxwell, the Energy Leadership Development Program by iPEC, or a custom approach for you or your team of leaders I will work over an extended series of weeks or months to build leadership skills and habits while you utilize practical application exercises between each session.



My coaching involves the ability to understand you: to think how you think, and understand your perspective. From this benchmark, I will help you recognize different perspectives – stretching and growing you to see a more empowering way. As a certified professional coach I am equipped to help you raise your awareness of the present and future. Coaching is foreseeing, paving the way, coming alongside you while helping you achieve goals and overcome limiting paradigms.


I love to speak to groups who are interested in learning! You choose the topic and I am ready to build custom presentations focused on your organizational needs.


Masterminding is all about learning from other professionals in a cooperative environment. Rather than just a transfer of information from teacher to student, Mastermind groups cover a set material (via reading and facilitated teaching) and then explore how that material can be directly applied through powerful questions, group exploration and discussion. This is an opportunity to learn from a variety of other professionals.